Originally designed by Cadence Design Systems for use with highly complex and extremely large designs, such as automotive systems, the highly intuitive user interface has lead to widespread adoption for use in education, universities, and industry. It is currently available for use with the major operating systems (Windows, OSX, and Linux), is continually being updated and expanded, and is accompanied by a large and active user and developer community. Since its inception, Multisim has been used to facilitate the design and analysis of a wide range of electronic circuits, including RF, low-power, and computational electronics.
Multisim teaches users how to design analog, digital, or power electronics circuits, with or without simulation, and teaches those users how to simulate the circuits they have designed. With a focus on teaching electronics at the undergraduate level and for those learning the fundamentals of electronics, this book explores, designs, and simulates an electric car drive train. You will be guided from selecting materials to building the circuit, simulating the circuit, and analyzing your designs using a wide range of measurement techniques.
As a reader, you will quickly learn how to design and analyze circuits with Multisim, starting with the application and then using the simulator to build, simulate, and analyze your designs, from simple circuits to more complex systems. If you are new to electronics, Multisim will teach you how to design, analyze, and simulate circuits using a proven and reliable methodology. To reinforce these concepts and solidify your understanding, the book includes hundreds of diagrams and photographs that describe the basic electronic components and the circuit design flows of analog, digital, and power electronics.
This is a hands-on learning book for electronic design and analysis. We will use the fundamentals, terminology, and tools for the rapid design and analysis of electronic circuits and systems, with several chapters based around a simulated electric car drive train and subsystems.
This book will introduce you to the fundamentals of Electronic design, analysis and simulation. This book will cover the basics and fundamentals of electronics for designers and electronics engineers. The book will go through the theory and applications of electronic circuits and then build a simulation of the electric car drive train. The book will cover using the fundamentals, terminology, and tools of electronic design and analysis.
For readers of the Tektronix series Multisim Design & Simulation with ICD-4, ICD-5 and ICD-6 will cover the full range of tools and techniques used in the ICD-4, 5,
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